The name of this organization shall be the Seacoast Camera Club.
The purpose of the Seacoast Camera Club is to promote appreciation for the art of photography. This club is open to both amateur and professional photographers who would like to improve and share their skills of photography.
- The camera club shall hold regularly scheduled meetings during the program year beginning in September and ending in the first week in June. Meetings may be held in person or online.
- Regular meetings of the Club shall, if possible, be held twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The Annual End of Year Meeting shall be held in June.
- The dates of regular meetings may be changed when necessary, or a special meeting may be convened when it is deemed in the interest of the club. Such action may be taken by the Executive Board or, by the President or Vice-President and one other Officer. Reasonable notice of such change or addition shall be given to the Club members.
- In addition, when a meeting location is available (either the regular meeting location or an off-site location) and the club's finances can afford it, extra meetings may be scheduled. The meeting(s) could be to host Special Interest Groups or for other educational, preparatory, or entertainment purposes directly related to photography.
- A calendar of regularly scheduled meetings should be completed and published before October 1st of the program year.
- The current elected officers may call special meetings at any time.
- The elected officers of the Seacoast Camera Club shall be the President (or co-president), Vice-President, Treasurer, and an optional Secretary (this function can be assumed by the Vice President).
- Elected officers must be members in good standing.
3. The Vice President will serve as the backup for the President and act as caretaker of the club’s photography equipment, which can be loaned to the judging coordinator.
4. The Secretary will record the minutes of the Board and regular meetings.
5. The Treasurer will handle the financial business of the club, collect member dues, and make a financial statement on a monthly basis and submit for archiving on the club website, maintain a current club membership list, collect contact information for new members. The club funds will be held in an account. Treasurer, President and another designated member being the only members of the club able to disperse funds.
6. An Advisory Board will be established each year comprised of club members who will function as coordinators and administrators for a variety of the club functions. This could include but is not limited to the following:
1 The Field Trip & Event Coordinator as well as the Outreach coordinator shall chair the Activities Committee in order to plan club programs, workshops, events and field trips.
2 The Facebook Administrator shall maintain the club’s Facebook page.
3 The Judge Coordinator obtains judges for club competitions and guest speakers for educational meetings.
4 Competition Coordinators shall organize the monthly competition by contacting the judges and organizing the event (giving scores, showing submitted images and making sure the competition is running smoothly)
5 The Newsletter coordinator shall write and publish The Viewfinder which provides information on SCC members, programs and activities.
6 The New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) representative: keeps scores for club competition; awards ribbons to winning photographs, and to notifies membership of NECCC activities that may of interest to the club, to coordinate NECCC club entries into monthly NECCC competitions, and guide the club as to NECCC contest rules and regulations.
7 The Greeting Coordinator shall set up coffee and other refreshments for in person meetings; maintains supplies; arranges for members to contribute refreshments and greet new members. Greeting coordinator is in charge of keeping track of attendance and following up with visitors to explain membership.
8 The Website coordinator shall maintain the club website and put winners of monthly competition on the website.
7. The President will conduct the meetings of the Board and Advisors, regular meetings, and any special meetings of the club. At the end of its tenure, they will update the SCC guideline books and share it with the new elected officers.
- One full term of office is equal to one (1) year.
2. An elected officer not hold more than one (1) elective office at any one time, with the exception of the secretary position.
3. The President and Vice-President may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms
4. The Secretary and Treasurer may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms, if voted by the club members.
1. After canvassing the membership for persons willing to serve, the President shall announce nominees to the membership for election.
2. Voting shall be: - By ballot vote of those members present; a simple majority is required.
- Or held electronically to facilitate participation.
3. Elections will be held annually in March.
4. Voting shall be by secret ballot for all offices.
5. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote.
6. The new officers shall assume their duties after the Annual End of Year Meeting in June.
- In the event that the office of the President is vacated, the Vice-President immediately assumes the office of the President. In the event of any other vacated office, the President shall nominate, and upon a majority vote by the President and current elected officers shall elect a temporary officer to fill that position for the completion of that term.
ARTICLE VIII – Executive Board
1. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers. The Board shall handle all routine business of the club and shall authorize the expenditure of funds for all club expenses such as speakers, judges, equipment, printing, dues, and fees.
2. Meetings of the Board shall be called periodically by the President or Vice President, as required, to transact business of the club. Notification shall be given to each member of the Board at least five days in advance of the meeting. At meetings of the Board, three members shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Executive Board will be made by votes and require a simple majority.
3. Any member who wishes to bring items requiring Board action to the attention of the Board may do so at any time by alerting the President or any other board member. The Board will discuss the issue(s) at the next Board meeting. Members are also free to come before the Board at a Board meeting in order to raise the issue(s) of interest or concern.
ARTICLE IX – Membership
1. Persons, age 18 or older, interested in photography may become members to the Club upon payment of dues and are thereby eligible to full participation in all activities. As a condition of membership.
2. A non-member may attend a meeting of the Club once for free, after which they will be invited to become a member. If they do not become a member, they will be required to pay a fee to attend future meetings. The fee will be established in advance by the Board.
3. In appreciation of outstanding service to the Club, Honorary Memberships may be granted upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
- A quorum of the membership for the purpose of conducting club business shall comprise one-fourth (1/4) of the membership and two (2) elected officers in attendance on the night of any club business.
- Competitions and Speaker nights do not qualify as Club business and there are no minimum number of attendees required.
1. The annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
2. Dues must be paid before entering competitions.
3. No dues shall be required from an Honorary Member.
4. Dues shall be paid no later than November 1st.
5. New Members joining after March 1st shall pay half of the yearly membership dues for that year.
ARTICLE XII – Equipment
1. The club has purchased various types of equipment and lighting for use at club meetings.
2. Members shall exercise all reasonable care when using the club’s property and any damage to or loss of the property shall be reported without delay to the President or other Club officer.
- Amendments to the Bylaws of the Seacoast Camera Club may be proposed at any executive meeting or meeting of the general membership in writing.
- All members must be notified in writing of the date of the meeting for voting on the proposed amendment at least three (3) weeks in advance. Notification via the AllMembers Email list shall be deemed sufficient.
- Amendments can be approved with a 2/3 majority of the members casting votes at a general meeting.
ARTICLE XIV – Dissolution of the Club
1. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets, either physical or monetary, remaining after the discharge of any liabilities, shall be transferred to an organization whose mission or purpose is similar to those of the club and whose guidelines preclude the distribution of surplus income or assets among its members.
2. The Executive Committee in place at the time of dissolution will make the determination of which organization will be in receipt of the assets and handle the transfer of such assets.
3. A resolution to dissolve the Club must be passed by three quarters of the Members present and voting at a general meeting.