Welcome to the Seacoast Camera Club! 


Hello fellow Seacoast Camera Club (SCC) Members! 

And welcome to others who are visiting our website! 

The club is on semi-hiatus for this summer, although board members are currently working behind the scenes to get events and presentations scheduled for next year.  

Here are a few facts about our organization:

Our members are primarily based in the Portsmouth, Newburyport and Southern Maine areas.

Annual membership fee is $50.

We meet remotely via Zoom, twice a month, September through May, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 7-9pm. Our next meeting will be in September 2024. 

The 2nd Tuesday of each month:

  • We select a noted photographer to deliver a presentation to the membership. 
  • Each monthly speaker is chosen based on expertise and the potential learning opportunities for club members.
  • We do our best to get speakers from various genres to ensure interest and engagement. 

The 4th Tuesday of each month:

  •  Our “competition night” is when we invite a qualified photographer to judge 1-2 images from each member. 
  • The judge provides scores, constructive criticism and helpful feedback on images.  
  • Competition night is friendly and organized for fairness based on experience and skill level. Submission is optional, for those who prefer to not participate.

In addition to the biweekly virtual meetings mentioned above, the club provides opportunities throughout the year for in-person gatherings, including social get-togethers, impromptu shooting meetups, themed workshops and our annual library exhibit at the Portsmouth Library.

If you’re interested in becoming a member, please feel free to reach out for more information.

Kelly Marshall - Club President 2024-2025 Season


The Slideshow to the right features images from our monthly Competitions.


The Seacoast Camera club participates in the regional New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) competitions held in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Curious about Seacoast Camera Club? Everyone is welcome to sit in on a meeting or two. Please stop by a meeting or fill out the contact form for questions or a member application.




The next club meeting will be in September, watch for announcements of any upcoming events




  Member of NECCC               

All photos on this site are the property of the photographer and may not be used without written permission.

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